Help with financial matters
Below you will find various places to go to if you have concerns and questions about money. Find personal help in your area, check online whether you are entitled to an allowance or scheme, or find out which organization you can contact to get an answer to your financial question.
Neighborhood and village rooms
Personal help in the neighborhood
You can go to neighborhood or village rooms with all your questions about financial matters. They will be happy to help you there. Click on the button to see which neighborhood or village room is located near you.
Help in the neighborhood
Personal assistance with financial matters
Free advice
Check schemes and allowances
Would you like to know more about municipal schemes or allowances, such as rent allowance or the Food Bank? If so, perform a check on You can immediately see what you are entitled to and how you can apply for it.
Know what you are entitled to
More money to spend per year
Quick online help
Perform an online check
Geldfit provides free information about money through tips or personal advice. Take the test on to discover what you can do in your situation.
Perform a quick check
Free tips and advice about money
Help with the first step

Personal help in the neighborhood
Do you live in the municipality of Leeuwarden? You can go to neighborhood or village rooms with all your questions about financial matters. They will be happy to help you there. Click on the button to see which neighborhood or village room is located near you.
Frequently asked questions
Is help with financial matters free?
Yes. The municipality of Leeuwarden, Geldfit and Datgeldtvoormij will help you with your money questions for free.
I want help with my financial matters. Who should I contact?
Wil je persoonlijk contact?, Ga dan langs bij een buurt- of dorpskamer bij jou in de buurt. Of kom langs bij het Meedenkpunt in de hal van het gemeentehuis. Liever telefonisch contact? Dat kan ook. Bel naar 058 700 9775. Of ga naar of If you would like personal contact, visit a neighborhood or village room in your area. You can also visit the Advice Point in the town hall lobby. Would you rather make contact by phone? That’s also possible. Call 058 700 9775. Or go to or
Which schemes am I entitled to?
Go to and check what you are entitled to. After completing a short test, you will receive an overview of (municipal) schemes to which you may be entitled. The website also refers you to the correct place to apply for the scheme.
Can I walk into any neighborhood or village room for help?
Yes. You can visit any neighborhood or village room in the municipality of Leeuwarden for advice for free. For example, if you live in Grou, you are also welcome in a neighborhood or village room in Leeuwarden.
Can someone accompany me to a neighborhood or village room?
Yes. We can imagine that you would like to have someone with you when you talk about money problems. You can therefore always take someone with you to a neighborhood or village room.
When is the neighborhood or village room open?
That depends on the neighborhood or village room that you want to visit. An overview of the opening hours and locations can be found here.
Who runs is an initiative of the municipality of Leeuwarden. This website is part of the financial assistance campaign that aims to ensure that residents know exactly where to seek financial assistance. The reason is that many residents can no longer see the wood for the trees due to the wide range of financial schemes on offer. This not only concerns applying for schemes, but also assistance with debts.