Geldfit is the place for all your questions and concerns about money. Perform a check, find useful information or discover how to properly handle all kinds of financial matters.

You can go to neighborhood or village rooms with all your questions about financial matters. You can visit these places for free and bring someone with you if you like. Feel free to drop by at a time that suits you. Check the opening hours in advance, however. You can do so below.

Datgeldtvoormij informs you about what you can do in your situation. They will help you take the first step towards ensuring that you have more money to spend in the future.

Neighborhood and village rooms

You can go to neighborhood or village rooms with all your questions about financial matters. You can visit these places for free and bring someone with you if you like. Feel free to drop by at a time that suits you. Check the opening hours in advance, however. You can do so below.

Overview of neighborhood and village rooms

Choose the day that suits you.

All days

Villages South and Wergea

Villages South and Grou

Villages Southwest and Mantgum

Villages North and Stiens

Leeuwarden Old East

Leeuwarden Center East

Leeuwarden Northeast and Heechterp-Schieringen

Leeuwarden North and Bilgaard

Leeuwarden West and Valeriuswijk

Help Point

Other locations where you can seek help with financial matters are:

Community center Aldlan

Community team South
MFC Het Mozaïek
dBieb Leeuwarden

dBieb Grou

Ping in the town hall

View the locations on the map

What should I bring to a neighborhood or village room?

Do you want your question answered as quickly and accurately as possible? Prepare well. Make sure you have the documents on the checklist at hand.


*No active DigiD? No problem. Visit a neighborhood or village room or the Advice Point. They will assist you.


Passport or identity card
An active DigiD*
Bank statements for the past three months
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