Website editors
Municipality of Leeuwarden.
The copyright and database rights to this website are held by the municipality of Leeuwarden. This applies to the content of the website and to the content of municipal documents on this website. The municipality of Leeuwarden grants everyone a non-exclusive right of use of the content and municipal documents. This means that you can copy the content of the website free of charge and republish it (including commercially). You must adhere to the following conditions, however:
- when reusing, refer to
- when reusing, always mention the date of copying and reusing.
The website also contains content from or created by third parties, such as reports for a permit application, photos, videos and other images. The municipality often has no copyright or database rights to this content. You may not reuse this content without the permission of the relevant third parties.
No rights can be derived from the information contained on this website.
Creation, maintenance and security
Compion, Leeuwarden
Email address [email protected]