Personal help in the neighborhood
Neighborhood and village rooms
You can go to neighborhood or village rooms with all your questions about financial matters. They will be happy to help you there. Click on the button to see which neighborhood or village room is located near you.
Help in the neighborhood
Personal assistance with financial matters
Free advice
Check schemes and allowances
Would you like to know more about municipal schemes or allowances, such as rent allowance or the Food Bank? If so, perform a check on You can immediately see what you are entitled to and how you can apply for it.
Know what you are entitled to
More money to spend per year
Quick online help
Perform an online check
Geldfit provides free information about money through tips or personal advice. Take the test on to discover what you can do in your situation.
Perform a quick check
Free tips and advice about money
Help with the first step
Do you need personal assistance? We will gladly assist you!
Monday to Friday
08.00 AM – 5.30 PM